Intended for healthcare professionals

Table of contents

07 November 2017 | Vol 29, Issue 9
Behavioural treatment

Behavioural approaches to treating overweight and obesity in adolescents

Abdullah Alkhawaldeh, Moawiah Khatatbeh, Mohammed ALBashtawy, Khetam Al-Awamreh, Mohammad Al Qadire, Omar ALOmari, Barakat Khasawneh, Bayan ALBashtawy, Sa’d ALBashtawy, Hind Alshakh


Open Access Development of a clinical transition pathway for adolescents in the Netherlands

Margot Walter, Johanna MW Hazes, Radboud JEM Dolhain, Philomine van Pelt, Annette van Dijk, Sylvia Kamphuis

Scoping review
Rare diseases
Evidence & Practice
A-Z of syndromes

Nager syndrome

Doreen Crawford, Annette Dearmun

Book review

Paediatric Intensive Care

Elizabeth Mills

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