Diabesity prevention programme in primary care
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Diabesity prevention programme in primary care

Lisa Marie Jackson Advanced practitioner, Woodside Medical Centre, Manchester, England

‘Diabesity’, a term that combines diabetes and obesity, is the new epidemic in healthcare. To enhance and extend the provision in general practice, a new service was introduced to address the needs of patients at high risk of diabesity. The Diabesity Prevention Programme (DPP) aims to proactively identify patients at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes and explore the effects of structured education and health promotion. Its results indicate that the DPP has the potential to improve patients’ outcomes, and that there is an opportunity to implement similar programmes in other primary care settings to reduce patients’ risks of diabesity and its resulting complications. This paper reports on early results from its implementation in an economically deprived area of Greater Manchester.

Primary Health Care. 28, 2, 20-26. doi: 10.7748/phc.2018.e1187



Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind review and has been checked for plagiarism using automated software

Conflict of interest

None declared

Received: 06 July 2016

Accepted: 03 October 2017

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