Results 1 - 4 of 4 Search Tips

Do not resuscitate: reflections on an ethical dilemma

25 July 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This is a reflective account of an ethical dilemma encountered while on placement on a cardiology ward. Reflection is a process which allows practitioners to reveal...

How to verify the death of a patient

26 May 2020

Nursing Standard

end of life care

When a patient dies, it is important that nurses understand their role in the verification of death. This article explains the steps required to verify the death of...

How one acute hospital responded to COVID-19 in people with learning disabilities

31 March 2022

Learning Disability Practice

Liaison nursing

There is evidence that people with learning disabilities are more vulnerable to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) than the general population, but there is a need...

Finding Ivy: a life worthy of life – learning from the stories of victims of the Nazis’ Aktion T4 killing programme

22 May 2024

Learning Disability Practice

evidence and practice

Finding Ivy: a life worthy of life is an international research project that has pieced together the stories of 13 British-born people murdered between 1940 and 1941...