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Male adolescent suicidality: a literature review

28 June 2018

Mental Health Practice


In the UK, suicide rates in adolescent males continue to rank consistently and significantly higher than in females. Despite this, suicide prevention strategies...

Assessment of suicidal intent in emergency care

25 September 2013

Nursing Standard


The assessment of suicidal intent in first-contact settings, including the emergency department, can be challenging. Inaccurate assessment can lead to increased...

An enquiry into young men at risk of suicide in the UK

23 May 2018

Nursing Children and Young People

Mental health

Men are at a higher risk of suicide; 70% of people who die by suicide are men. By exploring some of the reasons behind suicide in young men aged 15-29 years old,...

Analysing ambulance data to ascertain the prevalence and demographics of individuals who have died by suicide

27 August 2020

Emergency Nurse

Service evaluation

Suicide is a major public health concern, with data suggesting that suicide rates may be increasing. Ambulance services receive thousands of calls each year related...

Suicide risk in informal carers of people living with dementia

05 June 2018

Nursing Older People

Mental health

With an ageing population comes an increasing risk of illnesses such as dementia and a growing need for care. There are 670,000 informal, unpaid carers in the UK,...

Development of a suicide intervention training programme for secondary mental health services

24 October 2019

Mental Health Practice


This article describes the elements of a suicide intervention training programme, known as the ‘I CARED and Shared’ model, which has been introduced in one NHS...

Care of patients with mental health issues in the emergency department: a quality improvement project

21 September 2021

Emergency Nurse

mental health

Mental health issues have increased significantly over the past decade in the US and emergency departments (EDs) often serve as a safety net to protect and support...

Use of a mnemonic to support suicide intervention training for nursing students

28 November 2019

Mental Health Practice


Recently, there has been an increased awareness of the extent of suicide as a global issue. In the UK, the reduction of deaths caused by suicide is a governmental...

Using digital monitoring alongside psychosocial interventions in patients who self-harm

30 March 2021

Mental Health Practice


With more than 200,000 presentations to hospital for self-harm each year in England, there is a clear requirement to reduce self-harm and improve well-being in this...

Perinatal mental health issues: early recognition and management in primary care

07 June 2023

Primary Health Care

Depression and anxiety

Perinatal mental health is a major public health issue. Around 12% of women experience depression and 13% experience anxiety during pregnancy and up to one in five...