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Results 1 - 10 of 17 Search Tips

Management of acute confusion in patients with CNS infections

11 December 2013

Nursing Standard


This article discusses the management of acute confusion and aggression in patients with infections of the central nervous system (CNS). The issues discussed are...

Activities to encourage nurses to learn more about motivational interviewing

15 January 2019

Primary Health Care


Good communication is vital in all health settings. If nurses are to support lifestyle and behaviour change, we need additional ways of communicating. Evidence shows...

Adapting the Solihull Approach for staff caring for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism: evaluation of a pilot programme

23 September 2021

Learning Disability Practice

behaviour that challenges

The Solihull Approach is a model that has been used successfully to provide training for health and social care practitioners who support children and families, and...

Use of pain scales and observational pain assessment tools in hospital settings

29 August 2019

Nursing Standard


Pain is a personal, individual and subjective experience. The complex and dynamic nature of pain makes its assessment and management challenging for healthcare...

Managing violence and aggression in the emergency department

19 August 2021

Emergency Nurse

violence at work

Half of all reported violent incidents in healthcare settings occur in the emergency department (ED), so ED nurses are disproportionately affected by violence and...

Forensic risk assessment in people with learning disabilities: principles and process

29 February 2024

Learning Disability Practice

Criminal justice system

While forensic healthcare is a highly specialised area of clinical practice, many learning disability nurses will, over the course of their careers, be required to...

Nurses’ experiences of providing dementia care in acute hospital settings

26 February 2025

Nursing Older People

evidence and practice

Background Increasing numbers of older people admitted to acute hospitals have dementia. For nurses, providing dementia care in acute settings involves unique...

Supporting frequent attenders to reduce their visits to an emergency department

17 December 2018

Emergency Nurse


Frequent attenders to emergency departments (EDs) are a heterogeneous group who have traditionally been patched up and discharged with little support. This makes...

Restrictive interventions: understanding and reducing their use in mental health settings

23 August 2022

Mental Health Practice

patient safety

Restrictive interventions, which include enhanced observations, seclusion and restraint, are associated with significant and far-reaching harm for patients, staff...

Acute behavioural disturbance: recognition, assessment and management

31 March 2022

Emergency Nurse

Acute behavioural disturbance

Acute behavioural disturbance (ABD) is a clinical emergency which typically affects overweight men in their mid-thirties who chronically misuse illicit stimulants....