Results 1 - 10 of 13 Search Tips

Prioritise the safety of people with dementia who go missing

28 June 2017

Nursing Standard


A scheme that helps find people with dementia who go missing from care homes, using personal dossiers and, in some cases, tracking devices, is being extended to...

Time for a change in how nursing older people is taught and valued

04 October 2022

Nursing Older People


I am incredibly proud to be writing this editorial as consultant editor of Nursing Older People. Not only is it a respected and valued journal, but its existence is...

Why nurses’ well-being and self-care are so vital

29 November 2022

Nursing Older People


This winter is predicted to be tough for health and social care due to the threat of widely circulating flu. Natural immunity to flu will be lower because of reduced...

No quick fix to meeting the needs of our ageing population

30 January 2023

Nursing Older People


The COVID pandemic led to a rapid transformation in the delivery of healthcare services, with an increased role for digital monitoring and deployment of virtual...

By improving dementia diagnosis rates nurses can make a difference to people’s lives

30 May 2023

Nursing Older People


The national target of a 66.7% dementia diagnosis rate was set in 2015, rising to 68% by 2019. The effect of COVID-19 and increasing estimated prevalence saw the...

Why we should promote continence in people living with dementia

29 January 2024

Nursing Older People


Ageism is widespread, including in institutions providing health and social care, and in workplaces, the media and elsewhere, according to the World Health...

Taking a positive risk can help improve people’s well-being

03 June 2024

Nursing Older People


None of us lives a life without risk. We make decisions, even those that may be considered unwise, by weighing up any potential risks and benefits associated with...

Why we all need to talk more openly about death

29 July 2024

Nursing Older People


A woman living with dementia once told me that she had tried to discuss her declining health with several health and social care professionals. She was in her...

Risk management and decision-making in dementia care

20 March 2024

Nursing Older People


What constitutes a risk for a person living with dementia may be perceived and prioritised differently by nurses from varying clinical backgrounds. Furthermore, risk...

Admiral Nursing: supporting generalist nurses to work with families affected by dementia

15 December 2022

Nursing Standard


The number of people with dementia in the UK is expected to significantly increase over the next two decades, which has implications for service demand and delivery,...