Effective handovers on escalation of care for the deteriorating patient
Intended for healthcare professionals
Evidence and practice    

Effective handovers on escalation of care for the deteriorating patient

Andrew Parry Senior lecturer: adult nursing, School of Healthcare Sciences, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales
Nelson Selvaraj Lecturer: adult nursing, School of Healthcare Sciences, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales

Why you should read this article:
  • To understand the importance of effective communication when escalating care of the deteriorating patient

  • To increase your knowledge of how to conduct a systematic assessment of the deteriorating patient

  • To enhance your ability to effectively convey your concerns about a deteriorating patient using a structured communication tool

Evidence suggests that improvements in clinical practice are required to ensure that deteriorating patients are rapidly identified and assessed in a systematic manner. The important step of escalating care involves a detailed handover to the most appropriate colleague so that interventions can be put in place to reverse or optimise the patient’s condition. However, multiple issues can hinder this handover process, including a lack of confidence among nurses and suboptimal team dynamics or cultures. Using structured communication tools such as situation, background, assessment, recommendation (SBAR) can assist nurses in delivering a handover that results in the desired outcome. This article explains the steps involved in identifying, assessing and escalating the care of deteriorating patients, and describes the components of an effective handover.

Nursing Standard. 38, 3, 77-81. doi: 10.7748/ns.2023.e12078

Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software



Conflict of interest

None declared

Parry A, Selvaraj N (2023) Effective handovers on escalation of care for the deteriorating patient. Nursing Standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2023.e12078

Published online: 20 February 2023

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