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11 October 2000

Nursing Standard


Colposcopy is a method of examination of the cervix using an optical magnifying instrument. Tracy Smith discusses the assessment process, the cervical screening...

Deep vein thrombosis: clinical nursing management

17 January 2001

Nursing Standard


The occurrence of a deep vein thrombosis is potentially life threatening and rapid assessment and treatment are essential to prevent development of a pulmonary...

Pressure ulcer incidence reporting

21 April 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To examine the accuracy of data collected on pressure ulcer incidence. A system for monitoring incidence has been in place since 1991 at a medium-sized hospital...

Developing rigour in observation of the sick child: Part 1

01 October 2006

Paediatric Nursing

Continuing professional development

This is the first of a five part series focused on the continuing professional development of rigour in observation of the sick child. Part 1 provides an in-depth...

Prevention of constipation through risk management

01 November 2003

Learning Disability Practice

Continuing professional development

Constipation is a common problem for patients in community and hospital settings. It can have significant personal costs for individuals, including discomfort, pain,...

History taking and clinical examination of the shoulder

02 April 2009

Emergency Nurse


Prompt and effective diagnosis and treatment for common shoulder problems depends on the ability of practitioners to distinguish between traumatic and non-traumatic...

Severe sepsis in A&E

01 September 2005

Emergency Nurse


In this article, the author clarifies the definition of sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock, describes the physiological changes that occur and the initial...

Working with older people from minority ethnic groups

01 July 2001

Nursing Older People


Living in a multi-cultural community means nurses in all specialties must have an understanding of the diverse ethnic backgrounds of their patients. This applies...

Assessing pressure ulcer risk in long-term care using the Waterlow scale

01 September 2008

Nursing Older People


This article reports on a mixed-methods study examining the use of the Waterlow scale by nurses working in long-term care for older people in Scotland. Eight nurses...

Comprehensive nursing assessment in the care of older people

01 February 2008

Nursing Older People


A comprehensive assessment is the first stage of the nursing process. In rehabilitation nursing, it provides the foundation for care that enables individuals to gain...