Celebrating nursing leadership in the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife
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Celebrating nursing leadership in the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

Alison James @alisonjofAber Senior lecturer, Adult nursing at Cardiff University, Nursing Management editorial advisory board
Alex McMahon @profalexmcmahon Executive director, Nursing, midwifery and allied health professions, Royal Edinburgh and Associated Services and prison healthcare, NHS Lothian, Edinburgh, Nursing Management editorial advisory board
Helen Reeves @he_reeves Head, Specialist services at St Giles Hospice, Staffordshire, Nursing Management editorial advisory board
Nichole McIntosh @McIntoshNichole Head, Clinical quality, NHS Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group, London, Nursing Management editorial advisory board
Matthew Hodson @speak2matt Divisional director, Nursing and therapies at Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Nursing Management editorial advisory board

We asked members of the Nursing Management editorial advisory team from across the UK to reflect on their careers to date, why they love nursing, their nursing heroes and what advice they would offer to aspiring nurse leaders. This is what they said

This year not only marks the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, it is the culmination of the three-year Nursing Now campaign to improve health by raising the profile and status of nursing worldwide. It is therefore a good time to reflect on personal roles and achievements.

Nursing Management. 27, 2, 11-13. doi: 10.7748/nm.27.2.11.s8

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