General practice nursing: student-led health check roadshows raising career profile
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General practice nursing: student-led health check roadshows raising career profile

Helen Louise Stainsby Practice placement facilitator, Enabling Effective Learning Environments, Health Education England North East and North Cumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Joanna Vintis Practice link nurse, Northumberland Clinical Commissioning Group, Newcastle upon Tyne, England (at the time of the project)

Why you should read this article:
  • To learn about one method for raising the profile of general practice nursing as a career for students

  • To acknowledge the importance of general practices offering clinical placements to nursing students

  • To appreciate the value for patients and general practices of undertaking health checks in the community

Due to a lack of placements, many nursing students do not have the opportunity to experience primary care during preregistration education. Nurses on Tour, a series of student-led health roadshows, was piloted at ten GP practices in Northumberland during the summer of 2022, providing health checks to patients and enabling 48 students from all fields of nursing to experience primary care as a learning environment. This pilot project also aimed to raise the profile of general practice nursing among students and showcase students’ skills and value to general practices. This model of student practice and supervision could be adapted to suit different localities and become a valuable part of preregistration education while promoting primary care as a first destination or future career option for students.

Primary Health Care. 33, 5, 22-27. doi: 10.7748/phc.2023.e1792

Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software



Conflict of interest

None declared

Stainsby HL, Vintis J (2023) General practice nursing: student-led health check roadshows raising career profile. Primary Health Care. doi: 10.7748/phc.2023.e1792

Published online: 08 March 2023

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