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Results 1 - 10 of 82 Search Tips

Deliberate self-harm cases: a primary care perspective

11 August 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To observe case ascertainment and one-year outcome among patients presenting with deliberate self-harm (DSH) in an urban practice. Method In this exploratory...

Developing adolescent services in general practice

21 May 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Background Adolescence is recognised as a time of risk-taking behaviour, yet it is also a crucial time for laying down the foundations for future health. This...

Practice nursing: a study of the role

18 January 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical practice nursing

Practice nursing has expanded rapidly since the new general practitioner contract of April 1990 (1), but this expansion has gone essentially unresearched. In 1993, 1...

Down syndrome: exploring the knowledge, attitudes and practice of GPs

01 October 2007

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

It is well established that individuals with learning disabilities have more health needs than the general population (Howells 1986, NHS Health Scotland 2004, NHS...

A study of interruption rates for practice nurses and GPs

17 July 1996

Nursing Standard

Primary health care

This study compares the rate and perceptions of interruptions experienced by practice nurses and GPs. During two recording periods, nurses noted the number of...

Venous leg ulcers: the role of the GP and district nurse

21 June 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To identify the healing rates for patients with venous leg ulcers (VLUs) who are nursed by district nurses. Method The researchers performed a retrospective...

Introducing nurse telephone triage into primary care

22 November 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

In this article, the authors describe the changes required to introduce a nurse telephone triage system into a large primary care practice in York. ‘Whole systems’...

Primary care: nurse-led telephone triage and advice out-of-hours

12 August 1998

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

In this article the authors report on the evaluation of an out-of-hours telephone triage and advice service in general practice. A computer-based decision support...

Infection prevention and control in general practice

03 December 2008

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Reducing healthcare-associated infections is a priority for the NHS. This article highlights infection prevention and control expectations for nurses working in...

Nursing student perspectives on a quality learning environment in general practice

29 May 2018

Primary Health Care


General practice continues to increase in use as a placement area for nursing students in England. Introducing new general practice placements requires intensive...