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Taking control of osteoporosis to cut down on risk of fracture

01 April 2011

Nursing Older People


This article examines osteoporosis, other risk factors for future fracture and different management approaches. The past few years have seen advances in osteoporosis...

Management of common fractures

30 January 2013

Nursing Older People


The incidence of fractures increases with advancing age partly due to the presence of multiple comorbidities and increased risk of falls. Common fracture sites in...

A regional nurse-led osteoporosis clinic

02 June 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article describes the work of a nurse-led osteoporosis clinic and its perceived benefits to both patients and staff.

An overview of osteoporosis

27 September 2005

Nursing Standard

Learning zone continuing professional development

This article explains the pathogenesis and diagnosis of osteoporosis and treatment options for patients with the condition. It also discusses service provision and...

An overview of osteoporosis

21 September 2005

Nursing Standard


This article explains the pathogenesis and diagnosis of osteoporosis and treatment options for patients with the condition. It also discusses service provision and...

Evaluating a nurse-led DXA scanning service

30 August 2006

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To examine the feasibility of using a peripheral dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scanning service in a nurse-led clinic and whether or not it would...

A break in service

26 September 2007

Nursing Standard


Despite an ageing population and the human and economic costs of falls and osteoporotic fractures, there is no incentive for GPs to identify people at risk. But...

The local falls and osteoporosis service: does it meet the needs of patients?

01 December 2007

Nursing Older People


This articles examines a local evidence-based falls and osteoporosis service that used a pathway of screening, multi-factorial assessment and interventions. Patients...

Who should take HRT?

01 January 1996

Primary Health Care


THE DEMANDFOR hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has steadily increased over the past decade. Despite this, HRT use remains low and compliance poor. Market research...

How modern women can manage the menopause

10 February 2009

Primary Health Care


The average age for a woman to experience the menopause in the UK is 51; this has been constant for many years, despite the age of the menarche regressing. Women in...