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The value of stress relieving techniques

12 May 2015

Cancer Nursing Practice

Art & Science

The aim of this service evaluation was to assess the value of receiving rapid stress management techniques (RSMTs) and complementary therapy to assist with...

Anxiety and physical inactivity: breaking the vicious circle

05 March 2018

Mental Health Practice

Evidence & practice

Background Worldwide levels of anxiety have increased significantly over the past few decades. Persistent or excessive anxiety can cause distress and decrease...

Open AccessOC01 – The effect of an Interactive Therapeutic Play Training Program on the anxiety levels of children having heart surgery and their mothers

09 May 2016

Nursing Children and Young People


Theme: Child protection and managing risk. Research was conducted using randomized controlled and experimental methods in order to determine the impact of...

Using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in surgical patients

27 April 2011

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Patients admitted to hospital to undergo an elective surgical procedure often feel frightened and anxious. Healthcare professionals have a responsibility to ensure...

Ovarian tumours of low malignant potential

01 September 2005

Cancer Nursing Practice


Ovarian tumours of low malignant potential (borderline ovarian cancer) are benign tumours with a highly favourable prognosis. However, as the disease can not be...

Development of a mental health self-help guide for survivors

09 April 2010

Cancer Nursing Practice


As more people are living with or beyond cancer, the unmet needs of patients have become more apparent. Survivors identify the time after completing treatment as one...

Waiting for a cancer diagnosis

08 May 2009

Cancer Nursing Practice


A diagnosis of cancer can present a major crisis, and anticipating that investigations may reveal such a diagnosis creates much distress. This article shows how...

Therapeutic engagement

01 March 2006

Mental Health Practice


Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a structured, problem-orientated therapy in which clients learn to identify and develop strategies to change maladaptive...

Banishing the blues

01 October 2008

Mental Health Practice


In the UK primary care is the first point of contact for most individuals seeking health care. In about 30 per cent of primary care consultations, mental health...

The use of music and singing to help manage anxiety in older adults

13 February 2014

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

The number of older adults in the UK is increasing, and they are vulnerable to long-term anxiety, depression, pain and dementia. These conditions can to some extent...