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How to embed a conceptual or theoretical framework into a dissertation study design

06 August 2020

Nurse Researcher

novice researchers

Background Using a theoretical framework is often viewed as laborious or unnecessary for higher degree research projects. However, considering research problems...

Exploring the experiences and expectations of year 1 children’s nursing students

09 May 2012

Nursing Children and Young People

A&S Science

Background Attrition among children’s nursing students remains high despite the field of practice attracting large numbers of applicants. While previous studies have...

Critical preparation and readiness to support future change

22 May 2018

Nursing Management

Change management

The challenging nature of change is well documented and adequate preparation before implementing a change initiative is critical to reducing resistance and...

From theory to practice

30 March 2010

Nursing Standard

General article

Nurse lecturers, far from remote and out of touch, are committed to and involved in, front line care.

Exploring the effects of a high-fidelity environment on nursing students’ confidence and performance of CPR

27 January 2021

Nursing Standard


Background Simulation is often used in healthcare education because it enables students to practise clinical skills in a safe environment where mistakes can occur...

A preceptorship toolkit for nurse managers, teams and healthcare organisations

08 July 2020

Nursing Management

Staff development

The transition from student to newly qualified nurse can be challenging. A period of preceptorship is recommended to support newly qualified nurses in their new work...

Exploring the effects of clinical simulation on nursing students’ learning and practice

23 June 2020

Mental Health Practice


In simulation-based learning, nursing or medical students are exposed to hypothetical scenarios that mimic the realities of clinical practice. This provides them...

Exploring the relationship between leadership and conflict management styles among nursing students

19 January 2022

Nursing Management


Background Leadership and conflict management are essential skills that nursing students need to acquire and practise. There is a gap in the existing literature on...

Protecting the mental health of the future workforce: exploring the prevalence of cognitive distortions among nursing students

09 March 2023

Nursing Management


Background: Evidence suggests that stress and anxiety are commonly experienced by nursing students. Cognitive distortions, or negative thinking styles, are linked to...

Facilitating international students’ learning during placements: the experiences of practice assessors and practice supervisors

13 September 2023

Nursing Management


Background There are increasing numbers of international students applying for preregistration nursing courses in the UK. Encouraging overseas students to study...