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Enteral feeding and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy

28 January 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Many patients are unable to eat and others are malnourished. Such patients need nutritional support, and enteral feeding offers one way of providing such support. It...

Dysphagia management for progressive neurological conditions

29 March 2006

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article discusses some of the issues surrounding dysphagia management for patients with progressive neurological conditions. It is important that health...

Withholding or withdrawing nutrition at the end of life

08 December 2010

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Food and fluids are essential to life and play important social and psychological roles. Despite increased understanding of the appropriate use of artificial...

Assessment and management of malnutrition in patients with lung cancer

10 October 2016

Cancer Nursing Practice

Evidence & practice

Malnutrition is common in patients with cancer and is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Many patients with lung cancer have multiple disease-related...

Managing malnutrition in patients with dementia

11 March 2015

Nursing Standard


As dementia progresses, an individual may experience increasing difficulties in eating and drinking safely. Evidence suggests that admission to hospital may...

Understanding the role of carbohydrates in optimal nutrition

29 July 2019

Nursing Standard


In recent years, the regulation of carbohydrate intake has become regarded as essential to achieve a balanced diet, with a range of health benefits attributed to...

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding: clinical knowledge and skills for learning disability nurses

23 May 2019

Learning Disability Practice

tube feeding

People with learning disabilities may require percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube feeding to maintain their nutritional status when they have a congenital...

Providing optimal nursing care for patients undergoing enteral feeding

27 February 2020

Nursing Standard


Enteral feeding is defined as the intake of food directly into the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Enteral feeding tubes can also be used to administer medicines....

Understanding the role of diet in adult constipation

28 July 2020

Nursing Standard


Constipation is a common condition in adults and symptoms such as straining and the sensation of incomplete bowel emptying can be distressing for patients. The...

Open AccessPrevention, identification and management of malnutrition in older people in the community

04 July 2022

Nursing Standard


Malnutrition, specifically undernutrition, is a significant health concern among older people, yet it is under-detected and under-treated in the community. The...