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Results 1 - 10 of 316 Search Tips

Healthy eating: something to chew over?

16 February 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Most of us probably feel that we know enough about healthy eating and fibre in the diet; after all we have been advising people to eat more of it for years. But do...

Screening for malnutrition

10 November 1999

Nursing Standard


This article recommends that screening for malnutrition is used in both primary care and hospital settings. The authors also outline how nurses are ideally placed to...

Barriers to healthy eating in the nursing profession: part 2

30 May 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim This is the second of two articles that report on work commissioned by the NHS Executive North West, to explore the perceived barriers to healthy eating within...

Barriers to healthy eating in the nursing profession: part 1

23 May 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim The aim of this study commissioned by the NHS Executive North West was to identify the main areas of the nurse’s working environment that prevent healthy eating,...

Screening for malnutrition

01 December 1999

Primary Health Care


Aims and intended learning outcomes The aim of this article Is to raise awareness of nutrition as a public health issue and to enable nurses to deliver appropriate...

Providing nutritional support for patients in critical care

21 May 2018

Nursing Standard


The provision of nutritional support for patients who are critically ill is complex and multifaceted, in part because of the variety and complexity of potential...

The role of nutrition in the prevention of infection

01 March 2002

Learning Disability Practice


Adequate nutrition is essential for maintaining health and deficiencies can lead to an increased risk of infection. Deborah Ward discusses the importance of...

Tackling malnutrition

01 September 2005

Nursing Management


THE IMPORTANCE of patients’ nutrition, and of helping them to eat and drink, has long been recognised; indeed, proper nutrition is of national concern (Department of...

Managing under-nutrition in a nursing home setting

01 April 2007

Nursing Older People


This article considers interventions and strategies used to manage the problems of an undernourished older adult residing in a nursing home. A brief introduction to...

Eating matters - improving dietary care in hospitals

14 January 1998

Nursing Standard


Modern clinical practice means that the provision of food and drink to patients in hospital is a complex process involving a wide range of staff. Whatever part other...