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Management of asymptomatic hypogiycaemia in neonates

31 October 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article is based on a systematic review (Hewitt et al 2005), which extends a review undertaken by the World Health Organization (WHO 1997a). The article...

Female perspective

14 October 2008

Nursing Standard


The problems women with diabetes encounter can be reduced through support from diabetes specialist nurses.

Type 2 diabetes in south Asian people

02 May 2012

Nursing Standard

A&S Science

There are many idiosyncrasies relating to the development and management of type 2 diabetes in the south Asian population. This article highlights the epidemiology...

Cognitive impairment in patients with diabetes

12 December 2012

Nursing Standard

A&S Science

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are associated with major complications that shorten life expectancy. Fluctuations in the amount of glucose reaching the brain cause a...

Non-diabetic hypoglycaemia: causes and pathophysiology

20 July 2011

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Hypoglycaemia has many possible causes, although similar symptoms in each case can make diagnosis of the cause complex. Common early warning signs of hypoglycaemia...

Type 1 diabetes and alcohol consumption

12 August 2015

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Type 1 diabetes is a challenging and complex disorder to manage, and this becomes more difficult when young people are beginning to experience the pleasures and...

Recognition and nursing management of diabetes in children

Emergency Nurse

evidence & practice

Diabetes mellitus is a common condition in children, characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia resulting from an absolute insulin deficiency. It can present in various...

Capillary blood glucose monitoring

30 May 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article, the first in a series of articles relating to clinical skills in nursing, outlines the procedure of capillary blood glucose monitoring. This is a...

Hypoglycaemia: causes, risk factors and pathophysiology

19 June 2013

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article examines the prevalence, symptoms, risk factors, management and prevention of hypoglycaemia in adults. Relevant research and government policies are...

Care of older people with diabetes

13 September 2017

Nursing Standard


The global population is ageing, and increasingly developing long-term conditions and comorbidities associated with functional changes, reduced quality of life and...