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Hand hygiene technique

30 April 2008

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Hand hygiene is an essential component of effective infection prevention programmes. Good technique, ensuring that all surfaces of the hands receive contact with the...

Auditing hand hygiene practice

15 September 2010

Nursing Standard


Hand hygiene is regarded as the most effective way of preventing healthcare-associated infections. Thus hand hygiene audits are frequently undertaken by infection...

Role of emergency nurses in controlling infection

06 December 2012

Emergency Nurse


Suboptimal infection-control practice raises the risk of infection in emergency departments, while time constraints and the presence of large numbers of staff with...

Appropriate glove use in the prevention of cross-infection

09 May 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article aims to promote evidence-based practice in glove use and infection control. Evidence indicates that improvements in infection control practice can...

The NHS saved my life

29 March 2011

Nursing Standard


Personal experiences of good and poor care led to Ashley Brooks becoming a patient champion. He will speak about his work at a Nursing Standard conference next week.

Importance of hand hygiene during invasive procedures

13 June 2012

Nursing Standard

A&S Science

Invasive devices, such as urinary catheters and peripheral and central venous catheters, can form part of essential patient care and may provide life-saving support...

Toys - friend or foe? A study of infection risk in a paediatric intensive care unit

01 May 2006

Paediatric Nursing


Toys are an established part of the hospital experience for the child and family. They are seen as a source of comfort and security and form part of the...

Preventing healthcare-associated infections by decontaminating the clinical environment

28 April 2022

Nursing Standard

infection prevention and control

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) continue to cause patient harm and at increasing rates. Factors contributing to this increase include suboptimal hand...

A stick to beat MRSA

20 September 2011

Nursing Standard

General article

Trafford Healthcare NHS Trust’s infection control scheme has resulted in more than two years without a case of MRSA bloodstream infection.

How to wash your hands effectively

16 September 2015

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Rationale and key points This article describes when and how to wash your hands effectively. Healthcare-associated infections are a risk to patients and service...