Results 1 - 6 of 6 Search Tips

Bacterial infections: antibiotics and decontamination

16 June 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Infectious disease is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and micro-organisms including the mycoplasmas, rickettsiae and chlamydiae. Most of the infections...

Preventing healthcare-associated infections by decontaminating the clinical environment

28 April 2022

Nursing Standard

infection prevention and control

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) continue to cause patient harm and at increasing rates. Factors contributing to this increase include suboptimal hand...

Reel times in A&E

06 June 2006

Nursing Standard


Nurses in one A&E department are relishing working with the BBC. The fly-on-the-wall television will accurately represent the unit’s work.

Role of environmental cleanliness and decontamination in care homes

06 January 2016

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

While it is widely accepted that the environment has an important role in transmission of healthcare-associated infections, there has been a paucity of empirical...

Ensuring effective infection prevention and control in the community

26 April 2023

Nursing Standard

Effective practice

Managing community-acquired infections remains an ongoing challenge for community nursing teams. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic meant that...

The role of decontamination in reducing healthcare-associated infections

11 March 2024

Nursing Standard

Effective practice

Effective decontamination is a vital aspect of infection prevention and control, and has a crucial role in reducing healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs). Various...