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Results 1 - 10 of 138 Search Tips

Evaluation of organisational culture and nurse burnout

01 October 2013

Nursing Management

Art & Science

A survey of nurses working with older adults across three NHS trusts was conducted to explore how perceptions of the workplace affect nurse wellbeing. Standardised...

Under the thumb

01 January 1998

Nursing Management

Under the thumb

Each organisation has its own unique culture of shared beliefs, practices, atmosphere and history. The physical and social environment, language and actual behaviour...

Employing an ethnographic approach: key characteristics

21 October 2011

Nurse Researcher


Aim Nurses are increasingly embracing ethnography as a useful research methodology. This paper presents an overview of some of the main characteristics we considered...

A force for transformation

31 August 2011

Nursing Management


Practice development resources are vital for nurse leaders wishing to bring changes in attitudes, practice and workplace culture to improve the patient experience....

Enhancing communication within nursing and multiprofessional healthcare teams

04 March 2024

Nursing Standard


Effective communication within nursing and multiprofessional healthcare teams is essential to promote patient safety. However, communication is a complex concept...

Saudi Arabian women’s experiences of breast cancer treatment

01 September 2013

Cancer Nursing Practice

Art & Science

Aim The aim of this study was to explore the cultural framework of Saudi Arabian women’s experiences of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Method Sixty patients...

Health beliefs and access to services in an ethnic minority population

28 April 2014

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

According to the 2012 UK census, 6.6% of the population of London have a South Asian background. As this article explains, attitudes to, and care of, people with...

How corrupted cultures lead to abuse of restraint interventions

08 September 2011

Learning Disability Practice


The challenges of caring can cause severe stress to all concerned in ways that must be recognised, acknowledged and managed. This is important to prevent stressors,...

Cultural diversity in death and dying

01 December 2004

Nursing Management


AN IMPORTANT starting point when considering death and dying is acknowledging cultural and religious diversity. When caring for patients whose backgrounds are...

How nurse leaders can foster a climate of good governance

31 August 2012

Nursing Management


This article is the first in a series of four examining the components of good corporate governance. Poor governance can result in patients receiving poor quality...