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Faecal incontinence in adults

05 November 2003

Nursing Standard


Faecal incontinence is a distressing condition, which adversely affects the quality of life of adults of all ages. It is often preventable and easily treatable once...

Assessment and treatment of older patients with constipation

01 November 2006

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article examines the experiences of an older patient with constipation to illustrate the importance of thorough assessment. The interaction between another...

Diagnosis and management of slow transit constipation in adults

26 October 2011

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Chronic constipation is regarded as one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. This article focuses on a type of functional disorder of the digestive system...

User satisfaction with a constipation service: a comparative audit

01 February 2006

Paediatric Nursing


Chronic constipation in children affects their quality of life and can have far reaching consequences, causing low self-esteem in children and family conflict...

Prevention of constipation through risk management

01 November 2003

Learning Disability Practice

Continuing professional development

Constipation is a common problem for patients in community and hospital settings. It can have significant personal costs for individuals, including discomfort, pain,...

Prevention of constipation through risk management

02 January 2003

Nursing Standard


Constipation is a common problem for patients in community and hospital settings. It can have significant personal costs for individuals, including discomfort, pain,...

The importance of adequate fluid and fibre intake during pregnancy

21 February 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Dietary advice about fluid and fibre for pregnant women is limited in comparison to information on folic acid. Low intakes of these nutrients can affect the health...

Constipation in childhood: a multidisciplinary approach to management in the community

01 September 2007

Paediatric Nursing


Three per cent of children in the community may be affected by chronic constipation. Causes of constipation may be organic or functional: the cornerstone of...

Abdominal massage for constipation in children

01 May 2008

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Physical contact between people is a powerful form of communication, and also a basic behavioural need (Bowlby 1969, Bowlby 1973, Ainsworth et al 1978, Main 1990)....

Management of constipation

06 May 2010

Learning Disability Practice


Constipation is more common among people with intellectual disability compared with the general population. Causation falls into the three main categories related to...