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The true value of benefits

06 October 2008

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Providing the means for such things as maintaining a hobby, travelling to visit friends and relatives, or taking part in unpaid voluntary work that can be a route...

A qualitative analysis of computer networks in the British National Health Service

15 July 1998

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The most senior nurses and midwives in 355 National Health Service (NHS) Trusts in the United Kingdom were surveyed to establish what computer networks were in use...

Safety first

11 September 2007

Nursing Standard


While no assault against NHS staff is acceptable, there is a downward trend in the number of cases of violence and abuse. Increased security measures have helped.

How nurses can cope with stress and avoid burnout

05 November 2014

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

This article draws on a systematic literature review to identify stressors in emergency and trauma nursing settings, and their potential effects on staff. After a...

Transforming lives

08 May 2007

Nursing Standard


Being locked up in a young offender institution causes stress to inmates that can erupt into disorder and violence. Two nurses are providing relaxation and...

A healthy community living skills group in a high security hospital

09 September 2015

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

This article discusses the setting up and running of a healthy community living skills group for assertive rehabilitation patients in a high security hospital with...

Suicide awareness and prevention training in a high security setting

07 March 2012

Mental Health Practice


Staff at the State Hospital, Carstairs, developed bespoke training consisting of an online e-learning module and a one-day workshop in response to the Scottish...

A friend in deed

15 February 2011

Nursing Standard


A befriending scheme is helping people detained under the Mental Health Act to stay in touch with the outside world.

Unlocking potential

05 October 2010

Nursing Standard

General article

Fiona Lydon is encouraging staff in a care home to challenge familiar approaches to practice and transform the lives of residents.

Keeping the peace

28 November 2007

Nursing Standard


By 2008, all front line NHS staff should have received conflict resolution training. One trust, an early pioneer, has seen positive results.