Results 1 - 8 of 8 Search Tips

Using primary nursing to guide teaching programmes

18 September 1996

Nursing Standard

Nurse education

The publication of the Strategy for Nursing (DoH 1989), the Griffith Report (1986) and Working for Patients (DoH 1989) revolutionised healthcare delivery in Britain....

Managing change: the named nurse

01 March 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical management

Change in nursing management techniques can increase quality and continuity of nursing care. It can, however, be a difficult time for staff involved, and careful...

Assessing primary nursing in mental health

11 February 1998

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

One of the most important advantages of primary nursing is the consistency and continuity of care which it is said to promote. In the study described here, the...

Evaluating nurse-led inpatient units

30 May 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article highlights findings from three studies into nurse-led inpatient units. The results are not the same in each case, particularly with regard to length of...

Using care plans to replace the handover

03 May 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical ward management

This article describes the attempts of an NDU to make better use of written nursing care plans. It had been found that care plans were used more as historical...

Care of people with psychopathic disorder

17 May 1995

Nursing Standard


Psychopathy is one of a family of personality disorders that affect some 10-13 per cent of the population (1). The Diagnostic Manualof the American Psychiatric...

Mental health facilitators in primary care

28 October 1998

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

In the context of the National Primary Care Facilitation Programme, the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health has reviewed the membership of the Mental Health in...

Chronic venous leg ulcers: effect of a community nursing intervention on pain and healing

07 September 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To investigate the effectiveness of a new community nursing model of care for clients with chronic leg ulcers in terms of levels of pain and ulcer healing....