Results 1 - 6 of 6 Search Tips

Understanding, responding and prioritising cancer patients’ experience feedback

10 October 2017

Cancer Nursing Practice

Evidence & practice

Hospitals receive a huge amount of patient feedback, but it does not automatically tell them how to improve services. University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation...

From nursing leader to patients’ champion

11 August 2009

Nursing Standard


Roswyn Hakesley-Brown is using her considerable nursing experience to champion the cause of patients through the Patients Association.

Inspirational nurses vie for public’s vote

29 March 2011

Nursing Standard


Patients have been nominating nurses who made a difference to their lives for a prestigious Nursing Standard award. Here is the judges’ shortlist.

Give sisters the clout they need

06 April 2010

Nursing Standard


Professional and patient groups share a vision of how wards are run best and support our Power to Care campaign, which aims to boost the authority and status of ward...

Finalists chosen for prestigious award

08 September 2009

Nursing Standard


Patients were asked to nominate a nurse who had made a real difference to their lives.

Recipe for finer dining

03 July 2007

Nursing Standard

Nutrition now

Despite a number of campaigns and increased investment, hospital food is still not as appetising or nutritious as patients’ organisations expect.