Results 1 - 4 of 4 Search Tips

Open Access6Cs and ten commitments: nurses’ understanding and use of courage

27 February 2017

Nursing Management

Evidence & practice

Aim This article reports the initial findings of a study that explored nurses’ understanding of courage, in the context of the 6Cs and the Leading Change, Adding...

Using unstructured interviews with participants who have schizophrenia

01 July 2005

Nurse Researcher


Unstructured interviews offer a potential source of rich data in nursing research. In this paper, Terence McCann and Eileen Clark examine the challenges presented...

Preparing and conducting interviews to collect data

01 May 2013

Nurse Researcher


Aim To describe three styles of interviews and discuss issues regarding planning and conducting interviews. Background Interviews are probably the approach most used...

Data collecting in grounded theory - some practical issues

01 July 2004

Nurse Researcher

issues in research

In July 2000, I (KD) commenced part-time PhD studies, using grounded theory methodology. Using grounded theory for the first time has presented certain challenges,...