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Learning to lead: part 2

01 March 2006

Nursing Management


LEADERSHIP USED to be most often associated with solitary heroic figures, usually men, who were considered to be the inspirations behind organisations, military...

The roots and development of constructivist grounded theory

30 May 2014

Nurse Researcher

Grounded theory

Aim To deconstruct how Charmaz’s constructivist grounded theory (CGT) evolved from the original ideas of Glaser and Strauss, and to explore how CGT is similar to and...

Grounded theory in nursing research: Part 3 — Application

01 January 2004

Nurse Researcher


In the first article in this series, the methodological characteristics of grounded theory were examined (McCann and Clark 2003a). In the second article, a critique...

Revisiting case study as a nursing research design

01 July 2006

Nurse Researcher


Case study research provides nurses with a form of inquiry that is holistic and appropriate for a variety of populations. Jeanine Gangeness and Eleanor Yurkovich...

The role and place of knowledge and literature in grounded theory

01 July 2010

Nurse Researcher


Grounded theory has existed for more than 40 years and has proved a successful and rigorous general inductive research method. However, it is apparent in the...

Grounded theory

29 April 2015

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Grounded theory is a popular research approach in health care and the social sciences. This article provides a description of grounded theory methodology and its key...

Leading in teams: part 1

01 April 2006

Nursing Management


THINK ABOUT a time when you volunteered, or nearly volunteered, to take the lead as part of a team initiative.

Exploration of transformational and distributed leadership

01 July 2012

Nursing Management


Throughout government policy in Scotland, a new emphasis has been placed on clinical leaders as a way to improve quality and restore the public’s confidence in...

Leading in teams: part 2

01 May 2006

Nursing Management


TEAMS HAVE to develop over time, and simply using the term to describe groups of people does not make them teams.

Will critical pathways replace the nursing process?

17 September 1997

Nursing Standard

Clinical management

Some writers allege that the step by step process approach to nursing individual people is inappropriate. The nursing process ignores the individuality of both the...