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Dual diagnosis: meeting clients’needs

01 November 1999

Mental Health Practice

Dual Diagnosis

Over recent years there has been increasing recognition of the challenges faced by services seeking to meet the needs of people with a dual diagnosis – that is, the...

Tackling substance misuse in a secure mental health unit

01 October 2005

Mental Health Practice


Many people with mental health problems are also substance misusers. Indeed, an audit conducted among patients using the forensic service at Oxfordshire Mental...

Valuing users’ experiences in substance misuse nursing education

01 December 1997

Mental Health Practice


The principle of involving patients in services has been upheld in clinical nursing practice for some years. This can occur in a variety of ways at an individual and...

Improving services offered by GPs to patients with drug addiction

12 September 2012

Mental Health Practice


Most GPs in Hertfordshire have formed close links with their local community drug and alcohol teams. In November 2010 an investigation was carried out to assess the...

One-stop clinic combining sexual health and substance user services

26 June 2009

Mental Health Practice


The sexual health and community drug and alcohol team project was developed to reduce inequalities in access to sexual health services and increase uptake of sexual...

Participants’evaluation of a training programme in dual diagnosis

07 March 2006

Nursing Standard

Art & science

A training programme in dual diagnosis (mental health and substance misuse) began in 2003 across three NHS trusts and was funded by Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic...

Participants’ evaluation of a training programme in dual diagnosis

01 March 2006

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

A training programme in dual diagnosis (mental health and substance misuse) began in 2003 across three NHS trusts and was funded by Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic...

An evaluation of detoxification regimens to inform practice

01 February 2013

Primary Health Care

Art & Science

In the past two years there has been a drive to increase the role of detoxification in substance misuse services, using a recovery-led model. There has also been a...

How parental substance misuse affects children’s wellbeing

30 June 2012

Primary Health Care

A&S Science

This article is a synopsis of a presentation given at the Queen’s Nursing Institute conference on substance misuse. The presentation focused on how health visitors...

A review of the use of oral and injectable naltrexone for alcohol and opioid addiction treatment

24 October 2018

Mental Health Practice


Background Naltrexone is an opioid receptor antagonist used in the treatment of alcohol and opioid dependency. Its efficacy has been demonstrated in a variety of...