Results 1 - 10 of 16 Search Tips

Care of older people with visual impairment

01 March 2003

Nursing Older People


This article explains how nursing staff can make a difference to older patients with visual impairment through understanding of their situation and recognising the...

Improving access to sight testing for people with learning disabilities

03 April 2009

Learning Disability Practice


People with learning disabilities may be missing out on appropriate eye care because their deteriorating eyesight goes unnoticed. Martin Thomas argues that there is...

Managing depression in older people with visual impairment

27 October 2011

Nursing Older People


The author describes the management of depression in older people with visual impairment. The concept of depression is defined, and the main classifications are...

Correct administration of topical eye treatment

09 April 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Although eye treatment is an important aspect of patient care, nurses may not always be aware of the implications of inadequate treatment of ophthalmic conditions....

Common conditions and practical considerations in eye care

11 July 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

As part of Nursing Standard’s clinical skills series, this article presents an overview of the structure and function of the eye, including ocular adnexal...

Keratoconus in young people with learning disabilities: an ‘invisible’ problem

22 May 2018

Learning Disability Practice

Eye care

Keratoconus is a potentially sight-threatening condition in which the cornea distorts and becomes fragile, and without treatment can lead to severe visual...

The effect of visual impairment on patients’ falls risk

01 October 2013

Nursing Older People

Art & Science

When older people fall it can result in injuries and adversely affect quality of life. People with visual impairment are at greater risk of falling. This article...

Visual impairment in children

06 September 2005

Nursing Standard

Learning zone

This article examines the paediatric ophthalmic nurse’s role in treating and managing several common ocular conditions.

Visual impairment in older people: the nurse’s role

05 January 2005

Nursing Standard


This article provides an overview of the role of the nurse in the treatment and management of several common ocular conditions that cause visual impairment in older...

Visual impairment in children

31 August 2005

Nursing Standard


This article examines the paediatric ophthalmic nurse’s role in treating and managing several common ocular conditions.