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Results 1 - 10 of 52 Search Tips

tackling homophobia and heterosexism

01 April 2005

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Homophobia, according to Sprecher and McKinney (1993) in Williamson (2000), involves ‘negative and/or fearful attitudes about homosexuals or homosexuality’. Other...

Is there a prejudice against practitioners?

28 May 2014

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

Just as there is a stigma associated with people with learning disabilities, there is a ‘parallel stigma’ that affects the nurses who care for them. Although...

Using family work to support an Asian man coping with psychosis

01 June 2010

Mental Health Practice


This article describes an Asian family in which one member experienced a psychotic illness. Family work was used to enhance the family’s knowledge of illness and...

Stigmatising feelings and disclosure apprehension among children with epilepsy

08 July 2014

Nursing Children and Young People

Art & Science

Despite worldwide campaigns to enhance public awareness, understanding and acceptability of epilepsy, stigmatising feelings remain among children with epilepsy and...

Social inclusion or social control? Homelessness and mental health

01 June 2005

Mental Health Practice


In the UK a new and refreshing literature is emerging that addresses the need for socially inclusive models and strategies for people with mental health problems...

Supporting service users into employment: a literature review

06 December 2012

Mental Health Practice


There is much literature to indicate that people with mental health issues want to work, but in society this group tends to have the highest rate of unemployment and...

Diagnostic overshadowing: a potential barrier to physical health care for mental health service users

01 December 2013

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

Diagnostic overshadowing occurs when symptoms of physical illness are attributed to the service user’s mental illness. This increases the risks of treatment delay...

Service users’ disclosure practices following discharge from hospital

09 April 2014

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

Using qualitative data collected from 31 participants, this article describes mental health service users’ disclosure practices following their discharge from...

Standardised opt-out testing for HIV

07 December 2011

Emergency Nurse


This article offers a literature review of the benefits of, and problems associated with, a standardised opt-out screening programme for HIV, and the attitudes of...

Health beliefs and access to services in an ethnic minority population

28 April 2014

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

According to the 2012 UK census, 6.6% of the population of London have a South Asian background. As this article explains, attitudes to, and care of, people with...