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intimate care: theory, research and practice

01 December 2006

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

For people with learning disabilities, dependence on others for intimate care might be caused by deficits in cognition and difficulties with carrying out practical...

Developing health resources with the help of people with Down syndrome

01 May 2006

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Down’s Syndrome Scotland received funding in 2003 from the Big Lottery Fund and the Scottish Executive to run a three-year health project. Part of the project...

The relevance of self-directed care

02 November 2009

Primary Health Care


More than 15 million people in England live with a long-term condition and the Department of Health (DH) predicts that this number will increase by one million every...

Cranny Close: the challenge of normalisation

01 February 2004

Mental Health Practice


In the past, it was felt that the quality of life of people with severe mental health problems who have spent many years in a psychiatric hospital could be achieved...

Body-image and self-care therapy in forensic psychiatry

01 July 2007

Mental Health Practice


Within psychiatric settings various treatments have focused on body-oriented and sensory-motor domains as a primary therapeutic medium (Pruzinsky 1990). These...

Secure psychiatric care: How appearance and neglect affect women

01 May 2013

Mental Health Practice


Aim To provide effective interventions for body image, appearance, and physical health and self-care for women in secure psychiatric settings. Method A manualised...

Helping people who self-harm to care for their wounds

01 March 2011

Mental Health Practice


Mental health practitioners often encounter service users with self-inflicted wounds. This article is intended to enable practitioners to help such service users...

Self-management in chronic conditions: partners in health scale instrument validation

27 February 2014

Nursing Management

Art & Science

Aims This article describes a study that aimed to validate the Self-care in Chronic Conditions Partners in Health Scale instrument in the Mexican population. The...

Community matrons: promoting self management (part four)

01 September 2007

Nursing Older People


This is the fourth of six articles which draw on the content of a series of masterclasses organised and funded by the Department of Health for community matrons...

Strategies for enhancing the delivery of person-centred care

28 May 2014

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The implementation of person-centred care is considered complex and hard to sustain in today’s NHS. To provide a dignified and caring experience to all, equality in...