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Power and representation in nursing: a literature review

25 August 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The concepts of power and representation hold a particular significance for the nursing profession. Joanna Du Plat-Jones examines their effects for both nurses and...

Is it always ethical for health professionals to tell the truth about cancer?

01 October 2004

Cancer Nursing Practice


One of the most difficult dilemmas facing healthcare professionals working in oncology settings is whether, when and how much to tell cancer patients about their...

Improving patient hand hygiene

14 May 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The hand hygiene of patients has been neglected and should be emphasised. This article outlines strategies to empower patients to improve their hand hygiene, bearing...

The reflective patient: intrapersonal care

04 June 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To consider the relevance and potential role of patient reflection in their overall healthcare experience. Method In-depth, unstructured, qualitative interviews...

learning disability research: a discussion paper

01 July 2004

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Part of my role as research co-ordinator in the learning disability directorate of West Hampshire Trust is to promote a research culture. I believe a sound and...

Independent Complaints Advocacy Services (ICAS): a voice for people in mental distress outside psychiatric hospitals?

01 October 2004

Mental Health Practice


In 1999, the Association of Community Health Councils for England and Wales (ACHCEW) set up an independent commission to look at public accountability and...

Safe and supportive observation in practice: a clinical governance project

01 May 2005

Mental Health Practice


Observation is a nursing practice that aims to prevent patients from becoming a risk to themselves or others. It involves a named member of staff being allocated to...

Focus on psychiatric observation

01 May 2005

Mental Health Practice


Observation is a very common activity within mental health settings, particularly in acute inpatient units. It is almost entirely carried out by nursing staff, but...

Daring to talk back

01 June 2007

Mental Health Practice


The experience of hearing the voice of someone who is not present within the immediate physical environment (auditory hallucinations) is reported by people with and...

Patients’ rights to privacy and dignity in the NHS

12 January 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To determine the extent to which patients’ rights to privacy and dignity are respected in the NHS when judged against the seven factors of ‘privacy and dignity’...