Results 1 - 6 of 6 Search Tips

Communication impairment in patients following stroke

11 January 2012

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Communication disorders following stroke are common, but have varied presentations. This article explains the range of communication disorders that can occur after...

Finding the words

20 September 2005

Nursing Standard


Communicating with people with aphasia can be fraught with difficulty for both the individual and nurses. A course can help make environments more...

To what extent can people with communication difficulties contribute to health research?

09 January 2013

Nurse Researcher

A&S Science

Aim To present an approach to involving people with communication disorders in research. Background Patient and public involvement (PPI) is promoted at all stages of...

An overview of communication, movement and perception difficulties after stroke

30 May 2014

Nursing Older People


For many people who have had a stroke, weakness or paralysis on one side - hemiparesis or hemiplegia - is the most obvious symptom. However, brain damage, including...

Signs and symptoms of dementia

10 June 2015

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The clinical features of dementia are usually considered in two groups: cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms. Among cognitive symptoms, problems with memory are...

Person-centred communication with people with dementia

25 January 2023

Nursing Older People


Communication is a two-way process of exchanging or sharing information and is an essential element of the nursing process. Challenges with communication are a...