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Results 1 - 10 of 140 Search Tips

Analysing narrative data using McCormack’s Lenses

15 April 2011

Nurse Researcher


Aim In health and social care research, pure naturalistic enquiry often seeks to understand personal experiences, and adopts data collection methods that can...

Research and the knowledge and skills framework

07 May 2010

Emergency Nurse


Carrying out research is part of many academic courses. As this article explains, researchers must understand how their influence on participants can affect their...

Making better use of older people’s narratives

24 July 2011

Nursing Older People


For some nurses, conversations with an older patient are simply the backdrop to caregiving; they represent social pleasantries that help to dignify the sometimes...

Use of positive behaviour support to tackle challenging behaviour

01 February 2012

Learning Disability Practice


The presentation of challenging behaviour by people with learning disabilities can be persistent and can have a huge effecton the individuals concerned and their...

Analysis of phenomenological data generated with children as research participants

01 July 2003

Nurse Researcher

issues in research

Phenomenology as a research method is increasingly used in nursing. It has been recognised as appropriate for research in which children are research participants....

Methodological considerations in cohort study designs

15 April 2011

Nurse Researcher


Aim This paper discusses the methodological considerations inherent in the use of the cohort study as a research design. Background Cohort studies are observational...

An introduction to Bayes’ theorem and examples of its application to a diagnostic test and a clinical trial

17 February 2022

Nurse Researcher

Quantitative research

Background The Bayesian approach to updating scientific knowledge involves using a probability distribution to describe a prior belief concerning an outcome of...

The permutation test: a simple way to test hypotheses

30 January 2024

Nurse Researcher

Quantitative research

Background Quantitative researchers can use permutation tests to conduct null hypothesis significance testing without resorting to complicated distribution theory. A...

Core story creation: analysing narratives to construct stories for learning

16 March 2018

Nurse Researcher

Evidence & practice

Background Educational research uses narrative enquiry to gain and interpret people’s experiences. Narrative analysis is used to organise and make sense of acquired...

The multiple imputation method: a case study involving secondary data analysis

15 May 2015

Nurse Researcher

Data analysis

Aim To illustrate with the example of a secondary data analysis study the use of the multiple imputation method to replace missing data. Background Most large public...