Results 1 - 9 of 9 Search Tips

Intensive care for acute mental illness

31 May 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical mental health

This article describes and evaluates a project at Whitchurch Hospital in Cardiff which was set up to provide a safe and therapeutic short-term environment for...

The ward sister/charge nurse as ‘on site’ manager

28 May 1997

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The traditional role of ward sister/charge nurse has been redefined as ward manager with the devolving of many new responsibilities, including acting as ‘on site’...

Using care plans to replace the handover

03 May 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical ward management

This article describes the attempts of an NDU to make better use of written nursing care plans. It had been found that care plans were used more as historical...

The 15 steps challenge: a toolkit for good care

28 December 2012

Nursing Management


An initiative to improve ward efficiency brought about the 15 Steps Challenge, which analyses the care provided from the patient’s perspective. This toolkit has now...

Improving delivery of care through change management

04 September 1996

Nursing Standard

Forensic mental health

Politicians spend a day with a nurse

28 April 2010

Nursing Standard


The three main political parties address the workload of nurse managers and ward sisters.

Great act to follow

05 January 2010

Nursing Standard

In florence's footsteps

The two finalists in the Nurse of the Year category recognising excellence in ward management talk about their work and its challenges.

Sister’s champion

06 January 2010

Nursing Standard


Pioneering research undertaken by Susan Pembrey in the 1970s has been affirmed by a recent report into the ward sister’s role.

Great act to follow

16 December 2009

Nursing Standard


The two finalists in the Nurse of the Year category recognising excellence in ward management talk about their work and its challenges.