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The long goodbye

01 May 1997

Nursing Management

General article

Early retirement can be wonderful. Shaking off the shackles of the lifelong wage-slave revives the work weary. Ten years younger’ and ‘new woman/ new man’ are...

Abuse and bullying

01 April 1997

Nursing Management

General article

The potential effects of bullying can be significant both for the recipient and their employer. Much case study evidence on tire effects of bullying exists and Adams...

Abuse and Bullying

01 March 1997

Nursing Management

General article

There can be no doubt that bullying and the victimisation of others have always been with us. There are however, concerns that they may have become more common...

Change? no Problem

01 September 1997

Nursing Management

Change? no Problem

The increasingly rapid pace of change within the NHS exists within a macroscopic cataclysm of change described by Toffler (1970). The adaptability required from an...

Challenging the myth of the 12-hour shift: a pilot evaluation

04 April 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim The aim of this pilot evaluation was to assess whether changing a nursing shift pattern to incorporate 12-hour shifts would have positive effects for patients...

Calculating capacity and demand in chemotherapy outpatient units

01 October 2006

Cancer Nursing Practice


This article highlights the current challenges in meeting demand capacity facing chemotherapy units across the UK. It discusses the importance of conducting formal...

Developing a successful self-rostering shift system

02 July 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Three wards of different sizes and with a mixture of full-time and part-time staff, qualified and unqualified, took part in a self-rostering trial lasting a total of...

Administrative duties: weighing up the problem

01 July 2006

Mental Health Practice


Every so often a journal or new report suggests that paperwork and administrative duties are a burden for clinical staff. Does that really matter? The answer is a...

Analysing the implementation and effects of safe staffing policies in acute hospitals

05 May 2020

Nursing Management


Several high-profile inquiries and reports, including the Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry, by Sir Robert Francis QC, have...

Managing missing and erroneous data in nurse staffing surveys

30 March 2023

Nurse Researcher

Data handling

Background Analysis can be problematic in research when data are missing or erroneous. Various methods are available for managing missing and erroneous data, but...