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Results 1 - 10 of 89 Search Tips

Colorectal cancer — development of a nurse led follow-up clinic

01 September 2003

Cancer Nursing Practice


Patient follow up after curative treatment for colorectal cancer is a subject of continued debate. It is criticised as costly with little evidence to support...

The dynamics of rumours in the clinical setting

18 December 1996

Nursing Standard


Philosophers down the ages have discussed gossip and rumour. Aristotle (Ross 1995), Kierkegaard (1846) and Heidegger (1962) all felt that such ‘talk’ was...

The attributes of effective clinical nurse leaders

16 May 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To identify the attributes of effective clinical nurse leaders. Method A grounded theory research approach was adopted, using two research techniques:...

Clinical nurse managers’ perceptions of factors affecting role performance

03 January 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim This study explored clinical nurse managers’ perceptions of the factors affecting role performance. Method Interviews were carried out with 15 clinical nurse...

The role of modern matrons in infection control

16 February 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article discusses the effect of the role of the modern matron on healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) and hospital cleanliness. The way the modern matron’s...

Leadership: improving the quality of patient care

12 April 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The satisfaction staff achieve from their work is in part determined by the style of management they work under. This article analyses the impact of a proactive...

Evaluating nurse consultants’ work through key informant perceptions

03 January 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To evaluate the work of nurse consultants in the NHS by exploring the views of key informants and nurse consultants. Method A multi-site evaluative study...

The dynamics of rumours in the clinical setting

18 December 1996

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

In this article the social and psychological aspects of rumours are considered. The authors place rumours in a wider social context using definitions of different...

Improving the patient’s experience of cancer-related fatigue

01 November 2002

Cancer Nursing Practice


Fatigue is a complex, multifactorial disorder with physical, mental, and psychological dimensions that has been associated with diminished quality of life (QOL) in...

Consultant nurses as clinical leaders

01 June 2007

Nursing Management


AT A TIME when financial management has affected all aspects of service delivery in the NHS, it is crucial that clinical leadership retains its place in influencing...