Results 1 - 7 of 7 Search Tips

Staff experiences of the nursing associate role in a community setting

10 July 2023

Nursing Standard


The nursing associate role was introduced as a ‘bridge’ between healthcare assistants and nurses to support patient care. However, the role has involved many...

Benefits of developing long-term relationships between trainee nursing associates and mental health experts by experience

24 October 2023

Mental Health Practice


Stigma around mental illness persists in healthcare practice and education. This article details a project undertaken to develop long-term relationships and...

Leadership skills for the multi-tiered nursing team

27 November 2023

Nursing Standard

Care experience

In a challenging global healthcare climate, new workforce models are required to address the ongoing shortfall in the number of nurses. One way of addressing the...

Exploring apprentice nursing associates’ experiences of their home placements in primary care or social care

31 October 2023

Nursing Management

Workforce development

Background An increasing number of apprentice nursing associates undertake their home placement in primary care or social care, but there is limited understanding of...

Development of the nursing associate role in community and primary care settings across England

13 April 2022

Primary Health Care

Nursing associate role

Nursing associates have been part of the health and social care workforce in England since 2017 and are starting to contribute to managing workforce challenges....

Open AccessExploring the implementation of the nursing associate role in general practice

29 November 2023

Primary Health Care

Skill mix

Background The nursing associate role was introduced to help reduce staff shortages in the NHS by bridging the gap between healthcare assistants and nurses. However,...

Role of nursing associates in addressing the needs of people with dementia in hospital

27 January 2020

Nursing Older People

role development

It is estimated that people with dementia comprise about one quarter of all inpatients in acute hospital wards, although this could be an underestimate. Healthcare...