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Emergency care for people with dementia

03 September 2009

Emergency Nurse


As part of its commitment to improving dementia services, the Scottish Government has published six recommendations for developing care in emergency departments....

Electrocardiograms: a guide to rhythm recognition for emergency nurses

01 May 2018

Emergency Nurse

Electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most commonly performed investigations in emergency departments (EDs), and is an extremely useful adjunct that guides...

Emergency services for children and young people

28 April 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The health care needs of a child are very different to those of an adult but when it comes to paediatric care in the accident and emergency department there is...

Emergency management of burns: part 2

03 July 2018

Emergency Nurse

burns management

Infrequent presentation of this patient group to emergency departments can cause stress and anxiety to front-line clinicians when they are faced with patients with a...

How to write an effective conference abstract

11 April 2012

Emergency Nurse


Every year the RCN Emergency Care Association asks people who want to present at its annual conference to submit abstracts of their work. These requests produce...

Improved patient pathways can prevent overcrowding

01 March 2013

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

Emergency department (ED) crowding is a common problem throughout the western world. Not only does crowding create a miserable environment for patients, and to...

Nurses who work in the ambulance service

11 May 2012

Emergency Nurse


This article provides five case studies to illustrate the increasing involvement of nurses in ambulance services in England and Wales, and how their work complements...

Managing patients with cervical spine injury

30 April 2014

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

Common measures to establish spinal immobilisation at the scene of an accident include keeping the patient’s head still, applying a rigid cervical collar and...

Emergency care of patients with gunshot wounds

01 July 2009

Emergency Nurse

Continuing professional development

This article provides an overview of the mechanism of ballistic injuries. It also explores the management of patients with gunshot wounds in emergency departments.

Ocular injuries in people with multiple trauma

04 June 2014

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

About 8% of all major trauma patients have eye injuries, which can have serious implications for the patients and their families. This article outlines a practical...