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Results 1 - 10 of 79 Search Tips

Emergency care for young people who have used cocaine

07 December 2009

Emergency Nurse


Government figures suggest that there has been an increase in the number of young people using cocaine. Emergency and minor injury unit nurses are therefore...

Assessing competence in nursing

09 July 2009

Nursing Management


New pre- and post-registration nursing competencies are being developed, yet there is much debate about how to define and assess competence. This article outlines...

Preparing for the field: developing competence as an ethnographic field worker

01 January 2005

Nurse Researcher

issues in research

If ethnography can be considered as a form of work, then the rules and competencies of this work need to be learnt along with clear markers of progress to enable the...

A framework for independent prescribing of intravenous fluids

08 November 2012

Emergency Nurse


Many nurses are prevented from independently prescribing intravenous fluids, despite the benefits of the practice to patients, as well as to healthcare professionals...

Failure to fail: assessing nursing students’ competence during practice placements

05 December 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The aim of this article is to provide a critical overview of the issues relating to the reluctance of registered nurses or mentors to fail students in their...

Poor performance: managing the first informal stages

01 May 2013

Primary Health Care


Effective staff management is a vital aspect of the team leader role; it ensures high standards of care, good communication and smooth team working. High profile...

The experience of care for people affected by mesothelioma

11 March 2015

Cancer Nursing Practice

Art & Science

This article reports on an analysis of patient and carer free-text comments received in response to the first National Mesothelioma Experience Survey conducted in...

Clinical competency in children’s nursing: a legal commentary

24 December 2011

Nursing Children and Young People


Competence can be defined as having the requisite knowledge, skills, judgement, and experience to undertake a role or task. This article – part ten and the last in...

Providing support for newly qualified practitioners in Scotland

12 September 2012

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article describes the development, implementation and outcomes of Flying Start NHS ® , a web-based learning programme developed by NHS Education for Scotland...

‘A Higher Level of Practice’: What is it and what does it involve?

01 July 2001

Paediatric Nursing


The public demands a safe and effective service from healthcare professionals. The nursing profession is aware of these demands and is constantly re-evaluating nurse...