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Results 1 - 10 of 55 Search Tips

Learning disability nursing: how to refocus the profession

10 February 2010

Learning Disability Practice


It has been found in recent years that the healthcare needs of people with learning disabilities have not always been fully met. The authors suggest that this...

Study of patients’ experiences of treatment by hospital staff

08 June 2011

Learning Disability Practice


Analysis of interviews conducted by Mencap Liverpool suggest that hospital patients with learning disabilities on Merseyside continue to experience difficulties when...

Are we ready to implement the women’s mental health strategy?

01 March 2004

Mental Health Practice


Women’s mental health issues are now firmly on the national policy agenda with the publication of the consultation document Women’s Mental Health: Into the...

‘Racialisation’ and racism

01 May 2004

Nursing Management


‘RACIALISATION’ CAN be described as the process by which people are defined according to apparent differences of skin colour, national origin or other attributes,...

Tackling ageism in cancer treatment

30 January 2013

Nursing Older People


Evidence shows that older patients are discriminated against when it comes to cancer treatment. A pilot project was commissioned by the Department of Health in...

Is there a prejudice against practitioners?

28 May 2014

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

Just as there is a stigma associated with people with learning disabilities, there is a ‘parallel stigma’ that affects the nurses who care for them. Although...

Latent age discrimination in mental health care

01 March 2005

Mental Health Practice


The assumption, that appears to be a common one, that old age mental health is only about dementia perpetuates the invisibility of those with other severe and...

Supporting service users into employment: a literature review

06 December 2012

Mental Health Practice


There is much literature to indicate that people with mental health issues want to work, but in society this group tends to have the highest rate of unemployment and...

Gender and communication

01 June 2004

Nursing Management


LET’S START by reflecting on the nature and origin of gender differences and making clear the distinction between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’: ‘sex’ refers to basic...

Psychosexual awareness in everyday nursing

17 June 1998

Nursing Standard

Sexual health

Whatever specialty we work in, and whatever environment, nurses need to be aware of the sexual aspects of people’s lives. These aspects are as important a part of...