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General nurses’ attitudes to patients who self-harm

17 April 1996

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article describes the prevalence of suicidal behaviour, both nationally and in relation to one inner city district general hospital. The authors discuss what is...

Risk of suicide in patients with dementia: a case study

13 November 2013

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Evidence indicates that the risk of attempted suicide is a significant issue among people with dementia, however there is a lack of information to guide professional...

Identifying nurses' needs in relation to suicide awareness and prevention

Nursing Standard

evidence & practice

Aim Aim To gain insight into nurses' suicide awareness and prevention training, their confidence in engaging in conversations about suicide, and the barriers and...

Opportunities for suicide prevention in the general medical setting

04 November 2015

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

People who complete suicide are in contact with general medical services frequently in the year before their death. The high rate of medical contacts in the year...

Avoidable deaths: predictable coverage?

01 February 2007

Mental Health Practice


‘One person a week is killed by someone with a mental illness’ was the headline used in much of the television and press coverage of Avoidable Deaths, the five-year...

Putting patient safety first

01 November 2008

Mental Health Practice

Patient safety

The safety of patients in mental health settings has been identified as a priority by the government, and the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) has embarked on...

Cognitive behavioural therapy: helping the client find her voice

01 May 2005

Mental Health Practice


Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) enjoys a good press. In recent years it has remained the most evidence-based form of psychotherapy (Leahy and Holland 2000). Its...

Paracetamol poisoning:physiological aspects and management strategies

01 June 2005

Nursing Standard

Learning zone continuing professional development

This article identifies the physiological aspects of paracetamol poisoning, as well as appropriate treatments. Trends in paracetamol use and initiatives to reduce...

Paracetamol poisoning: physiological aspects and management strategies

01 June 2005

Nursing Standard


This article identifies the physiological aspects of paracetamol poisoning, as well as appropriate treatments. Trends in paracetamol use and initiatives to reduce...

Resolving crisis within the community: the role of the support, time and recovery (STR) workers

01 April 2006

Mental Health Practice

Crisis resolution

The Workforce Action Team (2001) gathered evidence to support the introduction of a new type of worker into the mental heath workplace, the Support, Time and...