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An overview of adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment

01 February 2017

Nursing Standard


Nurses have many roles and responsibilities in relation to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), including: recognising that a patient is deteriorating; recognising...

Resuscitating patients who have a cardiac arrest in hospital

10 December 2008

Nursing Standard


This article examines current guidance, recommendations and research on optimal management of patients who experience a cardiac arrest in hospital. The role of...

Using ward-based simulation in cardiopulmonary training

27 May 2009

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article assesses the role of ward-based simulation in cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. Based on an initiative introduced at the Royal Hospital for...

In-hospital resuscitation: recognising and responding to adults in cardiac arrest

Nursing Standard

evidence & practice

Survival rates following in-hospital cardiac arrest remain low. The majority of patients who survive a cardiac arrest will be in a monitored environment, have a...

Exploring the implementation of family-witnessed resuscitation

27 March 2018

Nursing Standard

Critical care

Cardiac arrest is a traumatic event, both for patients and their family members. Traditionally, healthcare professionals have often been reluctant to offer family...

How to perform chest compressions

18 November 2015

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Rationale and key points This article outlines the correct and effective technique for performing chest compressions for adults in cardiac arrest. Correct...

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the hospice setting

01 November 2004

Cancer Nursing Practice


There is much confusion and uncertainty about resuscitation within the field of palliative care. In the past, hospices adopted a blanket ‘no resuscitation’ policy...

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: the laryngeal mask airway

20 July 1999

Nursing Standard

Continuing professional development resuscitation

Nurses’ views of the decision not to resuscitate a patient

21 February 1996

Nursing Standard


The decision not to resuscitate a patient is a complex issue with many ethical, moral and legal implications. Although there are many articles written in nursing and...

Do not resuscitate orders: the issues

23 June 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The decision whether or not to attempt resuscitation of certain patients can be difficult and complex. This article discusses the ethical, legal and professional...