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Prevention of infection: central venous catheters

05 June 2002

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article demonstrates how with set protocols, training and meticulous attention to detail, sepsis can be almost eradicated in central venous catheters.

Thought for food: nutritional assessment of chemotherapy patients

01 June 2007

Cancer Nursing Practice


Cancer and its treatment can give rise to enduring nutritional problems for patients, presenting challenges to nurses and other health professionals. Patients who...

Introducing outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy in a children’s hospital

07 February 2018

Nursing Children and Young People

Evidence & practice

Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) offers an alternative to inpatient care for delivering intravenous antibiotics in patients’ homes or in a day care...

Helping children who require long-term parenteral nutrition

01 July 2013

Nursing Children and Young People

Art & science

Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a therapy that is complex and can lead to serious complications such as infection of the central venous catheter. A follow-up audit...

Safe placement of nasogastric tubes in children

01 November 2006

Paediatric Nursing


insertion of nasogastric tubes is a common nursing procedure but practice rituals and unfounded assumptions can compromise safety. current methods for checking the...

Reducing the risk of wrong route errors

01 July 2007

Paediatric Nursing


Infants in the neonatal intensive care unit are at particular risk from clinical errors because of their fragility and vulnerability, as well as the complex nature...

Changing from oral to enteral feeding: impact on families of children with disabilities

01 September 2007

Paediatric Nursing


The number of children in the UK who are being fed enterally at home is increasing. Feeding by nasogastric or gastrostomy tube may not seem particularly abnormal to...

Intestinal failure and long-term parenteral nutrition in children

05 December 2008

Paediatric Nursing


Infants and children with intestinal failure such as that seen in short bowel syndrome will require parenteral feeding, some of them in the long-term. Complications...

The psychosocial impact on parents of tube feeding their child

01 May 2006

Paediatric Nursing


A review of 13 papers investigating parents’ experience of long-term tube feeding in disabled children and young people identified a significant impact on parents...

Providing nutritional support for patients in critical care

21 May 2018

Nursing Standard


The provision of nutritional support for patients who are critically ill is complex and multifaceted, in part because of the variety and complexity of potential...