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Older People with Mental Illness and Administration of Medicines: Consent and Capacity

01 December 2001

Mental Health Practice


This update intends to discuss some of the key issues around the needs of older people with mental illness in relation to administration of medicines; specifically...

Inside knowledge

31 July 2002

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Insider research, that is, conducting research in an organisation or culture to which the researcher belongs, poses specific problems for the design and conduct of a...

A reflection on the use of semi-structured interviews

01 July 2005

Nurse Researcher


Based on the her experiences of completing a doctoral study in which semi-structured interviews featured as the primary data collection method, Christine Dearnley...

A position statement about predictive genetic testing among children

23 September 2019

Nursing Children and Young People

Ethical issues

Genetic testing of children to predict their future risk of illness is controversial. When parents make the decision to test their children, they deprive them of...

Open AccessOC43 – Reproductive decision-making in families of children with Down syndrome

09 May 2016

Nursing Children and Young People


Theme: Ethical issues: dignity and humanity. Reproductive decision-making generally becomes much more complex in families once they have given birth to a child with...

Management of swallowing difficulties in people with advanced dementia

01 March 2013

Nursing Older People

Art & Science

Problems with eating and swallowing are recognised as features of advancing dementia and may be a sign that the person is entering the terminal phase of illness....

Qualitative interviewing: encountering ethical issues and challenges

01 July 2006

Nurse Researcher


This article, in which Amanda Clarke recounts her own experiences as a novice researcher, explores the ways in which research can affect participants. The author...

Interviewing people with terminal illness: practical and ethical issues

01 October 2006

Nurse Researcher

issues in research

The material gathered can provide valuable insight but interviewing those in the latter stages of their lives poses a number of difficult issues for nurse...

Making research supervision work for you

01 January 2010

Nurse Researcher

issues in research

Doctoral students face a number of challenges during research. Guidance and support is provided through research supervision. However, an individual new to the...

Ethical issues in caring for patients with dementia

05 August 2015

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article discusses issues that might count as ‘ethical’ in the care of people with dementia and some of the dilemmas that occur. Ethical theories, such as virtue...