Results 1 - 8 of 8 Search Tips

Is there a place for epidemiology in nursing?

05 July 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Background Epidemiological research is seen by many to have Immense value in helping to determine the health of populations and In helping to plan and determine...

The needs of children and young people with cerebral palsy

27 May 2010

Paediatric Nursing


Because cerebral palsy (CP) is a sufficiently common condition of childhood and adolescence, the number and needs of these children and young people with cerebral...

Community nursing profiles: their role in needs assessment

04 June 1997

Nursing Standard


The term ‘community profile’ refers to a diverse range of projects undertaken by different organisations including communities themselves, and statutory and...

Successful assessment and management of burn injuries

15 April 2009

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Burn injuries are common and vary in severity. Early management is essential to reduce patient mortality and morbidity. Immediate care involves accurate assessment...

Investigating aspirin use to prevent bowel cancer or its progression

07 April 2014

Cancer Nursing Practice

Art & Science

Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, causing significant physical and psychological effects on patients and families. Treatment costs the NHS in...

Raising awareness of men’s risk of premature death

14 August 2013

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

There is growing evidence to suggest that men are at increased risk of premature death from a broad range of health conditions. With the government’s mandate to...

Focus on asthma 1: the state of care for children and young people in the UK and globally

28 September 2020

Nursing Children and Young People

respiratory disorders

This is the first in a series of articles on asthma, the most prevalent long-term condition in children with a significant burden of disease. This first article...

Preventing healthcare-associated infections: the role of surveillance

04 February 2015

Nursing Standard


Surveillance of healthcare-associated infections is central to healthcare epidemiology and infection control programmes and a critical factor in the prevention of...