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Caring for staff: setting quality standards

26 May 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

To ensure high quality patient care, and to reduce sickness and absence rates, staff themselves need to feel supported. In this article, the authors describe how...

Self-esteem and audit feedback

28 May 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Background Audits of clinical practice are regularly carried out in healthcare settings (NHSE 1996). As part of the audit process, results are fed back to the senior...

The effects of dyslexia on the work of nurses and healthcare assistants

01 June 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To explore the effects of being dyslexic on the working lives of nurses and healthcare assistants (HCAs), and to identify what might be done to improve their...

influence of work climate for experiences of strain

01 December 2005

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

A high frequency of exposure to violence has been described among caregivers working in services for people with learning disability. A recent study (Strand et al...

Support for staff following the suicide of a patient

01 June 2007

Mental Health Practice


The National Service Framework (NSF) for Mental Health (Department of Health (DH) 1999) dedicates one of its seven standards to preventing suicide. As well as...

Understanding and dealing with anger, aggression and violence

24 October 2001

Nursing Standard


Following the launch in 1999 of the government’s Zero Tolerance campaign against violence and aggression towards healthcare staff, Phil Garnham looks at how...

Bullying in nursing

25 July 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Background Current concerns about the need to improve the working lives of health service staff are well founded, and are receiving new impetus in current NHS human...

Making the link between staff and service-user health

07 June 2018

Mental Health Practice

Health inequalities

This article describes the introduction of a staff health programme designed to create a shift in culture in a mental health service towards the inclusion of...

Wounded healers speak out: Experiences of nurses with depression

01 February 2001

Mental Health Practice


Nurses with personal experiences of mental illness could play a key role in improving mental health provision. However, despite their invaluable insights, many such...

Zero tolerance and violence in services for people with mental health needs

01 May 2008

Mental Health Practice


Use of the term ‘discourse analysis’ has not been restricted to one tradition or approach (Coulthard and Montgomery 1981). Potter and Wetherell (1994) suggest that a...