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Assessing the reasons for deliberate self-harm in young people

01 April 2013

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

A history of deliberate self-harm (DSH) is one of the main indicators for suicide. There has been a rise in the number of presentations to emergency departments as a...

Deliberate self-harm cases: a primary care perspective

11 August 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To observe case ascertainment and one-year outcome among patients presenting with deliberate self-harm (DSH) in an urban practice. Method In this exploratory...

Cognitive behavioural patients who self harm. Part 2: A treatment care study

01 September 1998

Mental Health Practice


Jane Smith's belief that self harm was the most appropriate method of resolving her emotional conflict was successfully challenged as the weeks progressed. She was...

Cognitive behavioural interventions for patients who self harm

01 July 1998

Mental Health Practice


People who commit deliberate acts of self- harm, such as taking overdoses and selfcutting, are seen frequently by nurses in a variety of settings. Self-harming...

Is cognitive behaviour therapy useful for people who self harm?

01 February 2008

Mental Health Practice


The term ‘self-harm’ is subject to many different descriptions and definitions, including self-mutilation (Favazza 1998), parasuicide (Williams 1997), attempted...

Suicidal behaviour among psychiatric inpatients

01 December 2010

Mental Health Practice


Deliberate self-harm is a serious issue that health professionals constantly try to prevent. This article examines the case notes and psychosocial assessments of 37...

Suicide among students

13 September 2008

Mental Health Practice


Increasing numbers of university students appear to be presenting with psychological and mental health needs. This has become a subject of debate within academic...

A collaborative approach to urgent mental health referrals

12 September 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The National Service Framework for Mental Health was launched in October 1999 and detailed the standards required for an effective and robust service (DoH 1999)....

Self-harm and suicide: care, interventions and policy

07 July 2004

Nursing Standard


This article aims to raise awareness about self-harming behaviours and suicide. It explores their complex nature, social context, why they have become a central...

risk assessment and management of suicide and self-harm within a forensic learning disability setting

01 March 2004

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Risk assessment and risk management have been on the government’s agenda since the beginning of the 1990s in its attempt to promote quality and safety in the NHS...