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Results 1 - 10 of 60 Search Tips

Safeguarding in prisons

01 November 2013

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

Social care safeguarding processes can be introduced in prisons to protect vulnerable prisoners and their vulnerable dependants. This requires clear commissioning of...

Using narratives and discourses in neglect-prevention training

01 June 2013

Nursing Management


Training in neglect prevention for healthcare professionals should incorporate understanding of who is at risk, what represents neglect, how signs might be...

Making a difference as a nurse consultant

25 March 2010

Nursing Older People


The nurse consultant role has existed for a decade. The five components of the role – professional leadership, service development, research, education and training,...

Staff background checks: safeguarding vulnerable adults

21 May 2009

Nursing Older People


It is compulsory for an applicant seeking employment in a healthcare organisation in the United States to undergo a series of background checks, which are carried...

Role of effective documentation in emergency departments

04 June 2014

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

Lord Laming’s report into the death of Victoria Climbié highlights shortcomings in the safeguarding of children, in part due to poor record keeping and information...

Developing a clinical management tool to evaluate quality

01 May 2013

Nursing Management

Art & Science

Peer review is used increasingly in the NHS as a form of evaluation between professionals, services and organisations, and as a way of offering participants a...

An exploratory study investigating perceptions, opinions and experiences of safeguarding education in pre-registration children’s nursing curricula

21 June 2018

Nursing Children and Young People

Literature review

Aim To explore perceptions, opinions and experiences of safeguarding education within pre-registration children’s nursing curricula. Methods Using a qualitative...

Striking a balance between safety and free expression of sexuality

29 June 2015

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 emphasises the importance of assessing people’s capacity to make decisions about their lives. This is especially important when...

Safeguarding people who are at risk of abuse

13 September 2012

Emergency Nurse


Until recently, adult safeguarding policies at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust did not cover domestic abuse, except in maternity services. While...

Advice on personal safety for women with learning disabilities

29 June 2015

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

Women with learning disabilities have the same emotional needs, drives and desires and as anyone else, but are more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation than the...