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Results 1 - 10 of 46 Search Tips

Mentoring in emergency care: ‘growing our own’

08 November 2010

Emergency Nurse


Historical attitudes to graduates in emergency departments (EDs) and the effect of nursing staff shortages conspire to make EDs demanding areas in which to begin a...

Solution-oriented learning to build resilience in mental health nursing students and recently qualified nurses

04 May 2018

Mental Health Practice


Increasing concerns about nursing students’ mental health and the retention crisis facing nursing mean it is essential that staff working in nurse education develop...

Project to expand diversity in the nursing workforce

26 May 2012

Nursing Management


The Bronx, one of the five boroughs of New York City, has a diverse population, but the largest ethnic group is Hispanic, or Latino. More than half (53 per cent) of...

Why do nursing students who consider leaving stay on their courses?

01 April 2008

Nurse Researcher

issues in research

Nurse education has changed radically since its inception. The changes reflect a changing healthcare sector, a changing workforce and a changing society. Nurse...

The characteristics and experiences of mature nursing students

21 January 2009

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aims To explore the characteristics of mature nursing students, including how they perceive themselves, and to identify the problems they experience, which may...

A Hong Kong perspective on ways to improve nurse retention

05 May 2010

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Nursing shortages are an international issue and are particularly evident in perioperative care, critical care and emergency services. The solution commonly adopted...

Summer schools to improve recruitment and retention of pre-registration mental health student nurses

01 May 2007

Mental Health Practice


A series of two-day summer schools focused on mental health nursing were planned and delivered by Staf-fordshire University’s Faculty of Health to improve the...

Mental health nurses or nurses working in mental health settings?

01 November 2007

Mental Health Practice


Traditionally, all states and territories of Australia had a system for the recognition and registration of mental health nurses (known historically as psychiatric...

Nursing model to deliver respiratory research

01 March 2013

Nursing Management

Art & Science

Southampton Research and Development Department has managed several chronic obstructive pulmonary disease research studies, leading to the development of a unique...

Happy midwives, happy mothers

03 August 2005

Nursing Standard

General article

A London obstetric hospital has bucked the trend of rising midwife vacancy rates by introducing flexible work patterns for its staff. Patients benefit from...