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Using mentalisation to treat patients with borderline personality disorder

30 August 2006

Nursing Standard


This article provides an overview of personality disorders, before focusing on borderline personality disorder. The role of mentalisation in the development of...

Issues in nursing care for patients with severe personality disorders

01 September 1997

Mental Health Practice


Borderline personality disorder: aetiology, presentation and therapeutic relationship

01 November 2009

Mental Health Practice


About 10 per cent of adults in the community have a personality disorder; borderline personality disorder is the most common form of the condition in people who...

Everyone’s business: developing a personality disorder service

01 October 2007

Mental Health Practice


The case study below presents an example of the difficulties experienced by the people with whom the personality disorder service works. Historically, mental health...

Dialectical behaviour therapy for people who self-harm: lessons from the USA. Part 1

01 September 2007

Mental Health Practice


Despite a growing body of research and good practice, professionals often struggle to help people with borderline personality disorder manage their self-harm. It is...

The efficacy of treatments for borderline personality disorder

01 December 2009

Mental Health Practice


Despite the different treatment options for people with borderline personality disorder, many professionals in mental health services continue to believe that...

Meeting the needs of patients with severe personality disorders

01 February 1998

Mental Health Practice


People with personality disorders present a number of dilemmas to those who care for them. Staff have to balance patients' needs with their professional roles and...

Dealing with the danger signs

10 December 2008

Mental Health Practice


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) defines a personality disorder (PD) as ‘an enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour that...

Square pegs in round holes?

01 September 2003

Mental Health Practice


People with mental illnesses who come into contact with the criminal justice system are often termed ‘mentally disordered offenders’ (MDOs). Their anti-social...

Raising awareness of borderline personality disorder and self-injury

05 October 2011

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

People with personality disorders frequently present to general health services. A large proportion of people with borderline personality disorder will self-injure...